Monday, March 24, 2014

Let's (re)Start with a Bang!

Since this is my first post after coming back from Italy on business, I somehow find it appropriate to roll out this clip. It depicts a goal and subsequent celebration from an Italian league match.


1 comment:

  1. Sadly acting like a knucklehead is not in Law 12 anywhere ... so because he was a player (not a "team official" as detailed in Law 5), it was not against a player, it has to be "Violent Conduct." This is of course unless he had a caution already, they he could certainly go for 2nd Caution for Unsporting Behavior.

    Now the LOTG seems to enumerate another human has to be involved ... but somehow I think the report will pass muster.

    When I write the report, I also certainly say the player placed The Game in disrepute.
